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by Children's Hospital of Buffalo Foundation

Amanda Sears

Calling all #CallenStrong Followers!

You all know that Children's Hospital is an organization that is so near & dear to our hearts.  Over the past year and a half, the care our son, Callen, has received has been beyond anything we could ever have imagined.  Through out Callen's journey, we made friendships and formed bonds that can never be undone.  We think the world of our Children's Family and can never thank them enough for the care & support they've provided to Callen and our family.

Keep doing what your doing Children's!  The world now knows what it truly means to be #CallenStrong and that little boys are indeed, Superheroes in Disguise!
~The Sears Family

2nd Annual Walk for the new Oishei Children's Hospital

We are walking and fundraising for the new Oishei Children's Hospital. Join us as a walker, or as a family of walkers.